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What's New

Here's a quick list of documents, images, and videos that have been recently added to the YRLSP website.

Highly Recommended!

An important new research paper has recently been published on leafy spurge biological control. The Biological Control of Leafy Spurge is a well written, comprehensive overview of leafy spurge biological control—and a confirmation that the YRLSP is on the right track with its biocontrol release project. Click on the title in the previous sentence, or visit our Resources pages, where you will find links to this paper as well as other valuable sources of information on leafy spurge and its management.

February 2024

The YRLSP will be a principal partner in a new Green and Yampa River Inundative Biological Control Strategy Project (IBCS), funded through a large grant received by Dinosaur National Monument. Check our Grants page for updates on the ongoing planning and implementation of this multi-year (2024-2030) project, which will fund biological control activities conducted by partners on federal, state, municipal, and interested privately held properties throughout the Yampa and Green river basins.


The YRLSP 2023 Accomplishments and 2024 Goals documents are also now available for download. Click on the above links, or visit our Archives and Meetings pages.

November 2023

The Yampa River Leafy Spurge Project's website has now been fully updated to include the past summer's activities.


As a result, the Biological Control page has had some substantial revisions. A few of the leafy spurge infestation maps found on the Field Mapping page have been updated. The new 2023 YRLSP biological control release and monitoring data has been added to the Interactive Map page, and all of the YRLSP datasets, including the new 2023 field data, are ready to be downloaded from the GIS Data page.


The Show Me Floats and Youth Outreach pages have also been updated to include information and photographs of these successful 2023 outreach activities.

September 2023

Our Resources menu has been expanded with the addition of a new web page, Integrated Management. The original Resources page has been renamed Leafy Spurge Documents, and is now listed as a separate page in the Resources menu.


Look for further updates of the YRLSP website, reflecting the 2023 summer activities and data collection, in the coming weeks. 

July 2023

A short article on the YRLSP's biological control efforts and the recent Show Me Float appeared in the Steamboat Pilot. A link to the article is posted on our About/YRLSP In The News page, or you can go directly to it HERE.

February 2023

We are very excited to report that an article on Chloe Mattilio's Remote Sensing project has now been published in the January 2023 edition of Frontiers in Remote Sensing. A link to Remote mapping of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula, L.) in Northwest Colorado can be found on our Resources page, or it can be downloaded directly by clicking on the title in this sentence.

Text and media appearing on these pages are © copyrighted.

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