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Green/Yampa River
Inundative Biological Control Strategy Project

Breaking News!


A new Green and Yampa River Inundative Biological Control Strategy Project (IBCS) has been funded! It was submitted by Dinosaur National Monument as part of a larger National Park Service Colorado River Invasive Species package (along with Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park), using federal Inflation Reduction Act dollars.


The Yampa River Leafy Spurge Project is identified as a partner in the project. This multi-year project (2024-2030) is primarily for acquiring and dispersing biological control agents for Russian knapweed and leafy spurge in the Green and Yampa watersheds, on any lands that are managed by a willing partner (including private lands).


More details to be provided here soon on what this means for the Yampa River Leafy Spurge Project!


Update: An organizational meeting to develop a Work Plan for the ICBS was held on January 22, 2024. To read the meeting notes, click HERE.


Emily Spencer, of Dinosaur National Monument, also presented a PowerPoint on the IBCS at the January 22 meeting, which can be viewed HERE

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